Mountain Bells
Oct.11, 2009:
Got 50 Moutain Bells bulbs from Planted them in a small bed with
Tulips because that bed gets more sun:
Out of the 50, we got maybe 2 blooms.
Here is the catalog picture and description:
![](Mountain Bells, catalog pic.bmp) |
This mixture of hardy Mountain Bells allium bulbs is especially well-suited to create colourful gardens where rodents, rabbits and deer love to munch. The bulbs and the plant are rejected by even the most troublesome plant predators. These eyecatching alliums are easy to grow and produce a riot of carefree colour. Blooms burst in small clusters during the drab, latespring months when petals of most bulbs have faded and summer flowers have yet to open. Sweetly fragrant Mountain Bells multiply freely year after year with hundreds of blooms.
April 23, 2015:
Some Mountain Bells have survived, but none of the colorful ones shown in the catalog.
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